" I am cut to the brains: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern

August 17, 2022

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern

I have directed several productions of Hamlet.  Here are some miscellaneous musings about the characters Rosencrantz and Guildenstern.  

Guildenstern seems more intelligent and (not warm) but warmer and more patient than Rosencrantz.  Also he has more humor and is more of a leader.  In the early scenes, he is definitely in charge (though not in a pushy way).  Rosencrantz seems more physical and rougher…and potentially more cruel. 

As Hamlet makes his complete break with them at the end of Act lll, Sc. 2 (the play scene) Rosencrantz starts to take over – Guildenstern’s last time in charge is when he believes the message from Gertrude to Hamlet that she wants to see him.  As reason and patience (Guildenstern) fail, force and brutality (Rosencrantz) take over. 

In the following scenes Guildenstern is almost silent and all we hear is the ominous tone and threats of Rosencrantz.  Obviously, they have worked out strategy and concomitant ramifications following each altercation with Hamlet and Guildenstern ultimately prevails.  

In the end, through their actions, we see them for what they really are: two educated thugs willing to carry out their lord’s orders even if it means murder.  We should feel little sympathy for their impending deaths.


The Closet Scene: Gertrude and Hamlet (Alexander Barnett)

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