" I am cut to the brains: November 2023

November 28, 2023

KING LEAR Film - Act 3, Scenes 3,4

Stream on Amazon Prime - Episode 8


Gloucester is naïve and trusting with Edmund.  He treats him as his closest ally, as a father would indeed trust a beloved and respected son.  He plays right into Edmund’s scheme, blind to his son’s true nature, and hands Edmund the opportunity to malign Gloucester’s credibility, while proving himself invaluable and indisputably loyal to Cornwall.  Yet in choosing to help Lear, Gloucester also demonstrates an insight into the disorder that results from Lear’s total removal from power.  Gloucester proves his bravery, loyalty, and nobility in choosing to support the master he has served for years, knowing that it is a dangerous and potentially fatal endeavor.  In doing so, Gloucester aligns himself with the old guard, the aged power base that is well beyond its peak that the younger generations are eager to unseat.  In departing to support Lear, he makes literal the figurative lines of division that have already been established. 


In the second part of the storm, Lear continues to deteriorate physically and mentally yet remains  absorbed in self-reflection, confronting the turmoil within and blocking out the squall that surrounds him.  Still, the interior and exterior upheaval compound one another and increase exponentially.