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November 05, 2019

The Eyes of Van Gogh

We are proud to have been included in this book -

The Encyclopedia of Best Films: A Century of All the Finest Movies - https://books.google.com › books

Jay Robert Nash - 2019 - ‎Performing Arts - Van Gogh, Theo (1857-1891; Theodorus Van Gogh; art dealer and younger brother ... 1990 (Martin Scorsese); The Eyes of Van Gogh, 2005 (Alexander Barnett; ...

October 31, 2019

Director's Notes King Lear Film Episode 13 Act 4, Scene 7

Watch the reconciliation scene on YouTube.

Alexander Barnett Alexandra Cohler

             Since arriving at the French camp Kent has told Cordelia of all the events that led to Lear’s madness.  She is amazed and horrified by his story.  Finally, as he finishes, Cordelia, overwhelmed with gratitude and awe for Kent’s heroism, devotion and loyalty, tries to find the words to convey her appreciation.

Allen Cohler Peter Holdway

            The reconciliation scene is intensely personal.  Cordelia approaches the tent fraught with apprehension, reluctance and uncertainty. How will he respond to her?  Forgiving?  Vengeful? She has not seen him since he banished her. 

October 24, 2019

Need a Physical Therapist?

Recommending an outstanding physical therapist-Lisa Fisher-Little River Physical Therapy Alexandria, VA. Totally hands-on, caring, inventive, tireless and professional. You couldn't do better. #PhysicalTherapy

October 22, 2019

New Film Production Stills

There are new stills throughout the website for the film The Eyes of Van Gogh.  I hope you'll take a look.  www.theeyesofvangogh.com  Here are three of them.

Van Gogh (Alexander Barnett) listens as the people of Arles begin to taunt him

In a nightmare Vincent pleads with Theo (Gordon Joseph Weiss).

Dr. Peyron (Roy Thinnes) admits Vincent to the asylum.

October 13, 2019

YouTube Channel

There are some additions to my YouTube channel.  It includes videos and playlists from classical and contemporary films and plays.  

 I hope you'll take a look.

Alexander Barnett film and stage clips

October 08, 2019