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March 15, 2011

Black Leaders: Their Romance With Qaddafi and Other Dictators

This is one of the finest and most intelligent articles ever written on this extremely important topic.

Join the 2011 Boycott to Save Seals

Please write to the Canadian government and tell them you are boycotting Canadian seafood until they stop this barbaric practice. It's been going on for years and it must be stopped once and for all.

March 08, 2011

The Tracer

Congrats to Francisco Campos-Lopez and Greg Hess whose short film, The Tracer, just won BEST PICTURE and BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY for the DC 48 Hour Go Green competition. I'm pleased to have been part of it.

February 07, 2011

Egyptian Heroine

This is a video made by a young Egyptian woman which is being credited as the spark that ignited the Revolution. The young woman is Asmaa Mahfouz. Asmaa’s bravery to put her name, number and face on the video is extraordinary considering the terrifying risk of retribution from the Egyptian Ministry of the Interior. She is a 26 year old human rights activist, and one of the founders of the April 6 Youth Movement.

January 17, 2011

New Film Poster

A new poster has been designed for my feature film The Eyes of Van Gogh. I hope you like it.

December 21, 2010

A Sense of Outrage

This is a must read. A great piece by a great lady about an outstanding man. If it hadn't been for Holbrooke we never would have intevened in Bosnia. Clinton had to be dragged into it. If it had been solely left to him he would have done what he did in Rawanda. Nothing. And of course the cowardly Europeans stood by and did nothing. Par for the course. One of the greatest tragedies in our world today is the lack of a sense of outrage. Holbrooke had it and so does Ms. Amanpour. There are still a few left.

December 20, 2010

No danger from Wikileaks

Julian Assange claims, unequivocally, that no one's life has been put in danger by the release of all the transcripts. Okay, fine. I'm just very curious, how does he know this? I just assume that if he's certain of this he must have read all 250,000 plus transcripts. Or perhaps the private who gave him the transcripts read all of them and assured Assange that no one was put in danger. I would also assume that both of them are familiar with all the people mentioned and the particular work they do and again are quite certain that none of them have been put in danger. Just curious.

Cross-posted to Salon.com