" I am cut to the brains: March 2024

March 25, 2024

KING LEAR Film - Act 3, Scenes 5, 6, 7

Stream on Amazon Prime - Episode 9


Cornwall is furious that Gloucester has betrayed his orders and undermined his authority in choosing to  help Lear.  Moreover, he is enraged that he has been betrayed and out smarted by someone he views as  inferior.  This is indeed a life or death situation for Cornwall, as the future of the country is at stake, yet  his personal humiliation supersedes Gloucester’s treachery.  The offense provokes Cornwall to go        beyond the defense of Britain and the necessary exercise of his authority, as he indulging his appetite for cruelty in the name of the public defense.

Edmund is on the verge of achieving his objectives, as in this scene he is named Earl of Gloucester. Still, he never allows himself to become overconfident.  He maintains his persistent awareness of what is to come and what is necessary to effectively manipulate Cornwall with his performance.   Openly betraying his father by turning the information over to Cornwall requires Edmund to portray a delicate balance of duteous candor and concerned hesitance.  Through his seeming reluctance, he draws Cornwall in, allowing the Duke to believe he is controlling the situation.  Edmund ironically gains Cornwall’s trust in him as “a dearer father,” by betraying his own father to prove his loyalty.

March 05, 2024

Cold Storage: A Play

I was honored to tour Europe in a production of Ronald Ribman’s wonderful play, Cold Storage.  

Parmigian is one of my all-time favorite characters.  I loved spending time with him and hope to do so again shortly.  I was thrilled by the reception to the production.  

Some thoughts I had when preparing the role:  

To live in the past is to lose.  No battle can be won in the part that is already lost.  No prior decision can be reversed.  A negative, horrible past cannot be made positive but it can be made useful.  It can fortify us and help us win in the present and the future.